yo. i'm at adult school...
...with me boifurendo (romaji.) he says "herro" * gera gera*
anyway, its good to be back for a while. were in a computer class, so guess what i can do twice a week? POST!!! thats right, im back!! :D:D:D
anyway, its good to be back for a while. were in a computer class, so guess what i can do twice a week? POST!!! thats right, im back!! :D:D:D
hey, my home-girl is back! good to have ya back in the blogosphere. i could be dramatic and go all prodigal daughter on you, but i'll spare you the theatrics
I feel your blogging deprivation. =P
ps: my blog adress has changed to syandiedtoday2.blogspot.com
yayy we missed you.
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